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A Realtor’s Guide to Quick & Effective Listing Presentations

author: justine hodson real estate tips Nov 21, 2022

If your goal is to be a great listing agent, you need a great listing presentation. 

Why, you ask?

One of the biggest hurdles you face when closing listings is securing a meeting with a new client in the first place. If you’ve secured the meeting, you absolutely must put your best foot forward. And putting your best foot forward means arriving prepared with a killer listing presentation.

As you know too well, it’s not easy closing new listings! If it were, everyone would be doing it. 

So let’s make sure you are always a step ahead of the competition.


What is a listing presentation?


Let’s start from the very beginning. A listing presentation typically consists of a Powerpoint or Brochure style presentation that you will either print out, email, text, or show at your pre-listing meeting with your potential client. We always recommend you host this meeting in person and that you arrive early and dressed for an interview.


Your presentation will include information about you, how you plan to market the home, neighborhood comps, and more. You’ll also include examples of past listings you’ve sold if applicable and client testimonials. The goal is to wow the client with both your preparedness and strategy for getting them what they want from their sale.


Why your listing presentation process might be failing


Worst case scenario: you don’t arrive with a presentation at all. The second worst scenario: you don’t update your presentation to be custom for that client. 


A client wants to see that you’ve done the research and put time into winning their business! This is not a place to cut corners. Remember: you’ve done the hard part in winning the meeting. They are your client to lose.


So let’s talk about why you might not have updated your presentation. You didn’t have time? You don’t know how? You’re awful at graphic design? All valid reasons.


We regularly see Realtors pay a pretty penny for a professional listing presentation to be created, only to be left with an uneditable file. If a marketing firm creates your presentation in a complex program like InDesign that you are unable to edit, what good will it do you?


Our goal with this article is to help you devise a plan to create simple, professional listing presentations in as little time as possible.


How to put together your presentation, fast!


To create an editable template, you might consider using a program like Canva. Canva is a user-friendly design program that lets you easily drag and drop images and copy where needed. In Canva, you can create and save a template for your listing presentation and then change out the information in minutes. Canva has both free and paid plans depending on how you plan to use it. 


You can create a template from scratch. Or, you can purchase a premade template you like, e.g. this listing presentation template and brochure template that we offer on our website. 


Once your template is solidified, here is how we suggest you prepare before each meeting:


To Personalize Your Presentation Template:


The good news is the below tasks only need to be done once or every few months at the most. When you decide on the template you want to use, check these tasks off your list and you’ll be ready to quickly update for each listing moving forward.


  • Customize and save your template with your information.

The first step is adding your branding, name, and headshot to your template. In Canva, it’s incredibly easy to change the colors and fonts if you have a specific aesthetic you’d like to use. 


  • Change out any text that doesn’t apply to your area or business. 

If you’re using the SellWell template, you’ll notice that there’s pre-written text throughout to get you started. You’ll want to read through the text and edit anything that does not feel like it’s in your voice. Make sure the text fits with the way YOU do business so that you aren’t over or underpromising anything. 

Once your template sounds like you and accurately fits your listing process, make sure to save it so you won’t need to update those sections moving forward (unless of course you make a change). 


  • Every 6 months: switch out recently sold and testimonial sections. 

You’ll definitely want to include examples of properties you’ve recently listed and sold, plus glowing testimonials from past clients. Pick some of your favorites to start! Then add a calendar reminder for yourself to occasionally revisit these sections and add any new ones to the mix.

If you work with different price points and areas, consider creating a couple different versions of your template to fit each price bracket and geographic area. This will make your work even simpler and your presentation more appealing down the line!

To Update for Every Presentation:


Now here comes the updates you’ll need to make every time you book a listing meeting. Remember: the goal here is to make these updates quick and easy to execute so you can prep for a meeting in minimal time. 


There are only two steps involved if you’re using the SellWell template or one like it — and they’re incredibly fast and easy.


  • Change out the client name (page 1 on our template) 

A small, but very important task! Do not forget to personalize the presentation with the client name. You’ll find this on Page 1 of the SellWell template.


  • Update the Comparable Sales table 

This section will take a little more work, but should be part of your pre-listing process. Note: that we recommend you provide comps in your presentation, but not a recommended price. We always suggest you share the price in person rather than send it via the slides. That way you are present to speak to any objections.


That’s it! You’re ready to quickly customize your presentation the moment you book a listing meeting and you’re on your way to closing new listings already. 

About the Author

Justine Hodson is the head designer and cofounder of SellWell. She writes about graphic design, Canva, agent photography, and how to make your brand look great on a budget. Find her articles on the perfect headshot, how to use Canva templates, and more.