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5 Tips for Realtors: How to Keep in Touch with Past Clients

author: aaron hodson real estate 101 real estate tips Jan 23, 2023

It’s common for real estate agents to deprioritize past client communication, but it doesn’t mean you should. Maybe a certain past client bought recently and doesn’t plan on moving. Or maybe they even relocated out of your area. That doesn’t mean you should lose touch! Past client communication was one of the most important parts of my business, and it can be lucrative for you, too.

Remember: past clients are some of your best referral sources. The longer you let communication go idle, the less likely they are to bring up your name when someone mentions real estate.

Whether you have an active past client communication plan, or you’re starting from the scratch, it’s worth considering the context of today’s market climate. A lot has changed over the past few years and so should the way you communicate.

Before you dive in, here are five tips to keep in mind as you formulate your plan. And remember: don’t be afraid to pick up the phone!

1. Print out and review the complete flow.

To get started, print out your entire communication flow if you have one. One by one, lay out each email in front of you so you can visualize the entire conversation start to finish. You want these touchpoints to feel human, and it’s much easier to understand how the recipient will feel when you’re not staring at a screen. I even go as far as to read each email out loud to make sure they truly sound like me. 

Have a red pen and a highlighter handy to mark anything that feels off. At this stage, I’m not even thinking about what I want to say, but rather, I take the time to review what’s not working.

2. Include a call to action.

As you draft your new email flow, take note that there is a call-to-action at each touchpoint. What do I mean by that? Every email should ask a specific question or request a response. If you do not specify, you shouldn’t expect anything in return. 

This is a good rule of thumb in any interaction with a client. I never send out a piece of communication or attend a meeting without a desired outcome in mind. The desired outcome could simply mean a reply in this case! Just make sure to think through and articulate what you need so you’re not left unsure of what comes next.

3. Mention your follow-up plan.

One helpful trick is to be clear about your plan to follow up. You might include a note like “I’ll plan to give you a call to follow up about this in a few days.” 

That way, you’ve already shown your intention to have another conversation and won’t surprise them. If they open the email, make sure to follow through with the phone call. 

This is where access to data around who opens your emails (and when) is crucial to your communication plan. Always be thinking one step ahead.

4. Keep up-to-date on your clients.

Let’s say they do open the email, and you do follow up on Friday over the phone. What do you plan to discuss? Creating profiles for each client is crucial for this to work. Review the key points you’ve logged on your past client and check in on them via social media. Being aware of any big life changes or events will help you lead a thoughtful and respectful conversation.

5. Intro to your lender.

Another tactic that worked well for me was to offer an introduction to a lender partner. This is where having strong industry relationships is crucial. Let’s say this particular client is considering a move, but isn’t sure if it financially makes sense. A conversation with a lender may be the perfect step towards making sure they have the right information. Offer an informational introduction and they may find it’s a better time than they thought to reenter the market.

Before you dive in, I’ll leave you with one final thought. Make sure your emails are unique. You may have found a great template online, which can certainly be a great starting point, But if 10 other agents in your area are using the same templates, you’ll look silly, plain and simple. Put the extra effort in to personalize your emails. And lastly, don’t set it and forget it! This is an ever-evolving process so set a calendar reminder now to come back to it regularly. 

About the Author

Aaron Hodson is a keynote speaker, business strategist, and CEO of SellWell. He’s spent 25+ years in the real estate industry in various capacities — from selling homes, to becoming CEO of one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the world, to coaching high-level sales agents and executives. Fair warning: Aaron originally hails from New Zealand, so Kiwi-isms are to be expected.